
Cartagena, land of artists and lovers of life

"We had reached the great gate of the Clock. For a hundred years there was a drawbridge that connected the ancient city with the suburb of Gethsemane and with the dense slums of the mangrove swamps, but it was raised from nine at night until midnight. Dawn. The population was isolated not only from the rest of the world but also from history. It was said that the Spanish settlers had built that bridge out of terror that the poor people of the suburbs would sneak in at midnight to slaughter them asleep. However, Some of its divine grace should remain in the city, because it was enough for me to take a step inside the wall to see it in all its greatness in the mauve light of six in the afternoon, and I could not repress the feeling of having been reborn",

Gabriel García Márquez, Live to tell it, 2020

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